Java Simluation Support

  Some physics simulations are still using the Java applet format. The physics community as a whole is moving away from Java towards HTML5, which is a superior format if for only the reason it works on all web-enabled devices. Java was the main format for physics simulations for more than a decade and because of this, there are still lots of programs to port over to HTML5. Java, embedded into some applications, does have known security risks but those security risks are NOT a problem when running these simulations. If you have concerns about installing Java on your system I suggest you set the security level of Java to high (default) and then only allow access to sites vetted on BoxSand through the exception list, of which instructions are below. I am of the opinion that there are no risks to installing Java on a computer to run physics simulations from known .edu sources. 

Where to get Java?

  Jave can be found at

How to setup exceptions list?

  Here is a guide on adding URL's to Java's exception list. This will be required to run the Java simulations.