Algebra is a major prerequisite for introductory physics. Students will be manipulating equations both numerically and symbolically. Use the resources found below to brush up on your algebra skills and see your instructor if you're uncertain about your preparedness for these types of mathematical operations.

Learning Objectives

Summary: Students will be expected to perform algebraic manipulations both numerically and symbolically. They will need to isolate desired quantities, which may require solving multiple equations with multiple unknowns.

Students will be able to…

  1. Perform basic algebraic manipulations on equations.
  2. Appreciate the value of keeping equations symbolic throughout the algebraic manipulation.
  3. Solve N equations with N unknowns, by finding the value of an unknown from one equation and plugging that value into another equation.
  4. Solve N equations with N unknowns where the set has to be solved simultaneously.

BoxSand's Resources


Stuff and stuff


Stuff and stuff

Web Resources


Work sheets for review with answers. We could post these as additional review content.

PDF algebra review - pretty good list of quantities and quick review of the important math (Excellent resource that could be printed for quick reference for studnets to use. Not a primary source, but handy to have when doing HW)

​Review worksheet - good worksheet with answers

Practice Worksheets

Much like physics lab and has quite a bit more for math review in general - bit hard to fallow at some points, but still good, and has examples at the end

Fractions review (Add, Multiply, Divide, General rules)

Short math review test

Good review and reasonable presention



Longish video review on math for physics (alg based, has simultaneous equations)

Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

Multiplying, reducing, adding, and subtracting

Adding and Subtracting Fractions part 2

Dividing fractions

Adding and Subtracting fractions with different denominators


Using area to visualize polynomials.


Practice Problems

Work sheets for review with answers. We could post these as additional review content.

Problem Solving Help

Tips and Tricks

The formula for solving algebra problems is to identify what you are solving for and then using the "rules" in place for to solve for it. These rules are best learned through doing numerous practice problems to make them intuitive.

How to study math:

Also, be sure to keep your workspace organized. Nothing helps calculation more than organization! Generally the best way to perform algebraic manipulation is to use a separate line for each step. This keeps you organized and helps you and those helping you identify errors or follow along.