Primary resources

Here is a physics site for non-physics people that has a very good explanation of mechanical advantage;

For more information on mechanical advantage check out this site, it has a through discussion on what is mechanical advantage, what systems produce it, and how to calculate it. Warning: We will not be covering any rotation in PH201. Also, there is a small discussion on work. As we have not covered this yet feel free to ignore it. 


Secondary resources

Below are a few extra websites. Please feel free to check them out if you still have questions on mechanical advantage.

  • A simple site that looks at mechanical advantage. This site is a good supplemental too, but it does not cover the topic very well, and there is little mention of mechanical advantage itself.

  • Here is an old cartoon discussing Mechanical Advantage(we will not be doing any levers this term);

  • And for the Bill Nye fans this is a video of Bill Nye discussing mechanical advantage:


Other Resources

School of physics introduction to machines/ mechanical advantage