Primary resources

This link takes you to the Conservation of Energy section in the textbook.

This link provides analysis of a few examples for which energy is conserved.

A fun quirky thorough introduction to conservation of energy.


This next video shows how conservation of energy can be used to analyze the movements of a rollercoaster.

A rollercoaster is a perfect example of how useful Conservation of Energy can be.

This link is a thorough summary of conservation of energy and how it relates kinetic and potential energy.

Secondary Resources

A quick summary of conservation of energy.

A couple more examples of conservation of energy applied.

Similar to the rollercoaster, a person going down a slide can be analyzed using conservation of energy.


Other Resources

Conservative forces

Conservation of mechanical energy

Energy conservation from Easter Illinois with pendulum problem example

Situations where mechanical energy is conserved

Dry read introducing the conservation of mechanical energy

Hypertextbook on conservation of energy

Comprehensive notes on conservation of energy from the University of Colorado Boulder

Classical problems related to conservation of energy


Here are some great videos related to conservation of energy

Roller Coaster Problem
Slide Problem
Direct measurement energy of a pendulum
Introduction to Conserv of E flippingphysics
Conserv E with friction, incline and spring
Introduction to conserv E from New Jersey center for teaching