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Primary resources

This link takes you to the graphical analysis section of the openstax college physics textbook.


A fun quirky thorough introduction of analyzing position vs time graphs.


This is a self containted first part of a two part video lesson.  The second Part is the link below.


Another fun quirky presentation that provides a thorough introduction of velocity vs time and acceleration vs time graphs.


This is the second part that the link above was referring to.



This entire video series, 22 videos, good titles for searching what you want to find

Khan Academy video series on Graphical Analysis


Secondary resources

This link provides a short overview of how position vs time graphs relate to an objects motion, specifically its velocity.


This link provides a short overview of how velocity vs time graphs relate to an objects motion, specifically its acceleration.


Other resources

This series is presented in a multi-video tutorial format that covers all the graphical analysis tools needed when dealing with position, velocity, and acceleration vs time graphs.

An introduction and how to calculate the slope of position vs time graph

Sample of how to describe the motion shown on a position vs time graph

How to find the slope of a curved position vs time graph

Finding the slope and describing motion on a velocity vs time graph

More samples of slope and describing motion on a velocity vs time graph

Finding the area under a velocity vs time graph and a look at both distance and displacement

More samples for area and how to find speed and velocity from a velocity vs time graph

How to find the area of an acceleration vs time graph

A brief summary of graphing

Drawing velocity and acceleration time graphs from a distance time graph

Drawing a distance time graph from a velocity time graph



This series is presented in a multi-video tutorial format that covers all the graphical analysis tools and some simple sample problems relating to graphical analysis of position, velocity, and acceleration vs time graphs.

The New Jersey Center for Teaching and Learning

Graphing position vs time and velocity vs time

Graphing question part b

Analyzing graphs

Analyzing graphs question part c

Graphing Q75

Graphing a-e

Graphing a-e

Graphing displacement a-f



This is another opensource free textbook that provides nice explinations of topics.

Light and Matter

Graphs of motion; velocity

Graphs of velocity vs time

Fun Videos

PhysicsEH goes over how to determine position, velocity, and acceleration vs. time graphs - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZXLkAYjmR0

Youtube: Graphical analysis summary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezn2FGBfUDE&index=9&list=PLA479634BE2390113

Youtube: Position (distance) graph explained: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1ztosop_aY&list=PLA479634BE2390113&index=1

Youtube: Explanation of velocity to distance time graph tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPhwP-w5tUU

Youtube: Finding the area of an acceleration time graph: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbvucnBfkzw&list=PLA479634BE2390113&index=8

Lecture Videos

Graphical Analysis Summary & Questions - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UizpwdznVFw