

Translating FBDs is the most important tool you have for solving any problem involving forces. Translating a FBD involves using a FBD to break up all of the forces into their respective x and/or y components, identifying which components are going to be positive or negative, and summing up all the components in each given direction seperately. You create an algebriac expression that is Netwon's 2nd law with the aid of the FBD. This basic step will be the same for any force problem that we will ever do.


Non-equilibrium Example: Towed Skiing




Notes and clicker questions


Key Terms


One of the best ways to learn how to apply a tool is by watching someone else do it. Here is a video that relates a physics problem, Newton's second law, and FBD;

This section is about applying FBD, the best way to do that is practice. Try this EasyPhysics Forces Quiz;



Additional Studying/Review