This is the course homepage and calendar. If this is your first time here, please check out the Syllabus drop down first. Click on the Getting Started link and it will lead you through everything you need to know before class starts! Once you are familiar with the class structure, this is the only place you need to go to find study materials and links to assignments.


Syllabus and Course Info

Syllabus and Getting Started (Click Here First!)

If this is your first time here, please click on the Getting Started link below.

There are several differences between the summer PH20x sequence and the Fall/Winter/Spring sequence. These differences are catalogued here: Summer Differences


      KC's father in law jumping a motorcycle when he was young

Getting started icon   Summer Differences

Getting started icon   Getting Started

Syllabus icon  Syllabus

Learning tools icon  Learning Tools

Support icon  Support

Archive icon  Archive


There will be a 110 minute lecture section on each of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Participation points will be given for answering Learning Catalytics (LC) questions during each session. You will get points whether you answer correctly or not! Lectures will be held in person in Weniger 212.

Learning Catalytics | Click here for a link to LC!

Async  |  If you are unable to attend the live lecture you can gain equivalent points doing the alternative* Async (asynchronous) assignment. These assignments are the same questions worked through in class, with video solutions from class. At the end of the term we will add the points from the questions answered live with those answered via Async**. We will then take the total number of questions we delivered live in class and set full credit at 85% of that number. In practice, this is only 8 - 12 questions per lecture, meaning you only need to get 8 - 12 points on each async assignment for full credit. There are many more available points on each assignment, so don't panic when you see an Async assignemnt out of 25 points. You only need a small fraction for your grade. We think the lecture questions are the most important set of carefully crafted questions for you to learn physics. If you ever feel like you need more lecture points you can always go answer questions on the Async questions that we didn't work on in class. Async assignments are due each week on Friday at midnight.

  * Due to the time constraint, during live lectures, any answer will be accepted. This is not true for the async assignments.

** We will not give double credit for completing an Async assignment if you participate in the corresponding live session. You will receive full credit for attending a live session and answering the questions!

We strongly encourage you to attend the live lecture sessions where we will be working on problem solving. Our research has shown that students who attend the live sessions have on average almost an entire letter grade higher in the class. Participation in these events will result in full credit for the lecture portion of your grade.

Note: After the first lecture we will be spending "lecture"-time working on problem solving. We created the Asynchronous lectures, which have video solutions (from a live lecture) to nearly all of the same problems worked in class. Recordings would be redundant to those videos, so we will not post recordings of this term's lectures. At the end of each week we also post links to all the problem solutions from class.

Labs and Recitations

Lab Information:

You will have one lab each week. Please check the calendar below for exceptions! Labs will meet in Weniger 234.

You will have very short pre-lab activities to be completed before each lab. You will complete labs via OneNote and there will be no need to turn in any physical copy as your TAs will have access to your group's lab work. You will need to sign out of each lab period as a record that you were present and completed the lab. It is your responsibility to sign out so that you can receive credit for completing the lab! You cannot pass PH201 unless you complete all of the labs, so this is quite important!

If you need to miss a lab or attend a different section for one week, please contact your lab TA (ahead of time if possible). You may be able to attend a different lab section later in the week or day if you have a conflict. Contact information for lab TAs is listed below.

Your lab notebook can be found at Once there, sign in with your OSU email. Onenote/Microsoft will recognize this as an OSU email and send you to the standard OSU interface. Once signed in, please click on "Class Notebooks". Your Lab Notebook should appear there! If you cannot find this, it is either early in the term and you will be added soon, or you should contact your lab TA during lab or via email.

Day Time Room CRN TA
Monday / Wednesday 11:00 am - 12:50 pm Weniger 234      
1:00 pm - 2:50 pm Weniger 234      
Tuesday / Thursday 1:00 pm - 2:50 pm Weniger 234      
3:00 pm - 4:50 pm Weniger 234      

* See note above about lab room dependence on day of the week.



Recitation Information:

Recitations will meet once per week in person on Mondays - Thursdays. Please check the calendar below for exceptions. If you need to miss a week, or need to attend a different section for one week, please contact your recitation TA. Contact information is listed below.

Day Time Classroom TA
Monday / Wednesday 11:00 am - 11:50 am Weniger 304    
Tuesday / Thursday 11:00 am - 11:50 am Weniger 304    
12:00 pm - 12:50 pm Weniger 304    


Where (and When!) to Get Help



Day Hours Physical Location Remote Location
Monday - Friday 11 am - 2 pm Weniger 328 (no remote LAHHH during summer)




Day Physical Wormhole (Weniger 334) Virtual Wormhole (Click here for Teams)
Monday 2 pm - 5 pm 2 pm - 5 pm
Tuesday 2 pm - 5 pm 2 pm - 5 pm
Wednesday 2 pm - 5 pm 2 pm - 5 pm
Thursday 2 pm - 5 pm 2 pm - 5 pm
Friday 10 am - 5 pm 10 am - 5 pm


Instructor Office Hours

Instructor Days Hours Location
Evan Thatcher Monday - Thursday 11 am - 12 pm Weniger 334 (Wormhole)
Evan Thatcher Monday - Thursday anytime Email for appointment


Suggested workflow for Summer

Day What to Complete
  • Study for Exam
  • Complete Monday's Pre-lecture(s)
  • Complete Monday's Post-lectures
  • Complete Tuesday's Pre-lectures
  • Start on related Challenge Homework
  • Complete Tuesday's Post-lectures
  • Complete Wednesday's Pre-lectures
  • Start on related Challenge Homework
  • Complete Wednesday's Post-lectures
  • Complete Thursday's Pre-lectures
  • Start on related Challenge Homework
  • Complete Thursday's Post-lectures
  • Start on related Challenge Homework
  • Finish Challenge Homework assignments from the week


Homepage Legend

The video below introduces you to the features on the homepage.


We have a naming/coding scheme for our curriculum and it's important you understand how to interpret it.

Lectures: We strongly encourage you to attend the live session if you can.

   Live = Real-time group learning guided by the instructor (full credit for participation)

   Async = Asynchronous Canvas quiz if you can't make live session (credit based on correctness)

Learning Cycle Numbers: 1 = Pre-lecture Familiarization, 2 = Foundational Lecture, 3 = Practice Post-lecture, 4 = Mastery Challenge Homework.

Code Legend: [Topic Code].[Lecture Number].[Stage in the Learning Cycle]

   For Example: GR.L1.1 stands for General Review, lecture 1, pre-lecture homework.

Topic Codes:

  • GR = General Review
  • VO = Vector Operations
  • AQ = Average Quantities
  • K1 = One Dimensional Kinematics
  • K2 = Two Dimensional Kinematics
  • N1 = 1st Forces Module
  • N2 = 2nd Forces Module
  • N3 = 3rd Forces Module
  • IM = Impulse and Momentum
  • CM = Conservation of Momentum
  • WE = Work and Energy
  • CE = Conservation of Energy

Reflective Writing: RW 1 stands for the week 1 reflective writing exercise.

Class OneNote | Question Templates

All pre-lecture, lecture, and post-lecture questions where developed using OneNote. If possible, download the OneNote .one files and run them off your computer with the OneNote app, rather than using the browser version. That will allow you to use a tablet and write on the OneNote. For Mac users this is not so straightforward. The browser version is read only.

You can also import the PDFs to your favorite notes app. We apologize for the weird page breaks in the PDFs.  


Downloadable OneNote and PDFs    |    View Only Browser OneNote


Solutions Archive

Calendar by Week

Week 0  |  Sept. 23rd - Sept. 27th

Day Lecture Topic and Study Resources Pre-lecture Homework Lecture Template Post-lecture Homework Challenge Homework Lab Rec
W Introduction Intro Tutorial Syllabus Quiz none none   none none
F Review icon | Review GR.L1.1 GR.L1.2 GR.L1.3 Week 0 CHW    

Week 1  |  Nov. 30th - Oct. 4th

Day Lecture Topic and Study Resources Pre-lecture Homework Lecture Template Post-lecture Homework Challenge Homework Lab Rec
M Vector icon | Vectors VO.L1.1 VO.L1.2 VO.L1.3 Week 1 CHW Lab 0 None
W Vector icon | Continue VO.L1

Position icon | Position and Displacement
AQ.L1.1 AQ.L1.2 AQ.L1.3      
F Position icon | Continue AQ.L1            

Week 2  |  Oct. 7th - Oct. 11th

Day Lecture Topic and Study Resources Pre-lecture Homework Lecture Template Post-lecture Homework Challenge Homework Lab Rec
M Velocity icon | Average Velocity and Acceleration AQ.L2.1 AQ.L2.2 AQ.L2.3 Week 2 CHW Lab 1 Rec 1
W Velocity icon | Continue AQ.L2

Graph icon | Graphical Analysis
GA.L1.1 GA.L1.2 GA.L1.3      
F Graph icon | Continue GA.L1.2            

Week 3  |  Oct. 14th - Oct. 18th

Day Lecture Topic and Study Resources Pre-lecture Homework Lecture Template Post-lecture Homework Challenge Homework Lab Rec
M 1D-icon | 1-D Kinematics of Constant Acceleration K1.L1.1 K1.L1.2 K1.L1.3 Week 3 CHW Lab 2 Rec 2
W Freefall icon | 1-D Kinematics Problem Solving Strategies K1.L2.1 K1.L2.2 K1.L2.3      
F 2-D icon | 2-D Kinematics K2.L1.1 K2.L1.2 K2.L1.3      

Week 4  |  Oct. 21st - Oct. 25th

Day Lecture Topic and Study Resources Pre-lecture Homework Lecture Template Post-lecture Homework Challenge Homework Lab Rec
M Projectile icon | Projectile Motion K2.L2.1 K2.L2.2 K2.L2.3 Week 4 CHW Lab 3 Rec 3
W Projectile icon | Continue K2.L2

Newton apple icon | Forces Intro
N1.L1.1 N1.L1.2 N1.L1.3      
W Midterm 1  |   7 pm  |  Location TBA            
F Newton apple icon | Continue N1.L1            

Week 5  |  Oct. 28th - Nov. 1st

Day Lecture Topic and Study Resources Pre-lecture Homework Lecture Template Post-lecture Homework Challenge Homework Lab Rec
M Projectile icon | FBD and Newton's 2nd Law N1.L2.1 N1.L2.2 N1.L2.3 Week 5 CHW Lab 4 Rec 4
W Levitation icon | Application of Newton's 2nd Law N1.L3.1 N1.L3.2 N1.L3.3      
F Friction icon | Friction N2.L1.1 N2.L1.2 N2.L1.3      

Week 6  |  Nov. 4th - Nov. 8th

Day Lecture Topic and Study Resources Pre-lecture Homework Lecture Template Post-lecture Homework Challenge Homework Lab Rec
M Incline plane icon | Inclined Planes N2.L2.1 N2.L2.2 N2.L2.3 Week 6 CHW Lab 5 Rec 5
W Pulley icon | Coupled Systems and Pulleys N3.L1.1 N3.L1.2 N3.L1.3      
F Car turning icon | Forces and Uniform Circular Motion N3.L2.1 N3.L2.2 N3.L2.3      

Week 7  |  Nov. 11th - Nov. 15th

Day Lecture Topic and Study Resources Pre-lecture Homework Lecture Template Post-lecture Homework Challenge Homework Lab Rec
M Veterans' Day (No Class)            
W Graph area icon | Impulse and Momentum Theorem IM.L1.1 IM.L1.2 IM.L1.3 Week 7 CHW No Lab No Rec
W Midterm 2  |   7 pm  |  Location TBA            
F Newton's cradle icon | 1-D Conservation of Momentum CM.L1.1 CM.L1.2 CM.L1.3      

Week 8  |  Nov. 18th - Nov. 22nd

Day Lecture Topic and Study Resources Pre-lecture Homework Lecture Template Post-lecture Homework Challenge Homework Lab Rec
M Collisions icon | 2 - D Conservation of Momentum CM.L2.1 CM.L2.2 CM.L2.3 Week 8 CHW Lab 6 Rec 6
W Collisions icon | Continue CM.L2            
F Windmill energy icon | Work and Kinetic Energy Theorem WE.L1.1 WE.L1.2 WE.L1.3      

Week 9  |  Nov. 25th - Nov. 29th

Day Lecture Topic and Study Resources Pre-lecture Homework Lecture Template Post-lecture Homework Challenge Homework Lab Rec
M Windmill energy icon | Continue WE.L1

Spring icon | Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy
CE.L1.1 CE.L1.2 CE.L1.3 Week 9 CHW No Lab No Rec
W Spring icon | Continue CE.L1            
F Thanksgiving (No Class)            

Week 10  |  Dec. 2nd - Dec. 6th

Day Lecture Topic and Study Resources Pre-lecture Homework Lecture Template Post-lecture Homework Challenge Homework Lab Rec
M Energy icon | Conservation of Energy Application CE.L2.1 CE.L2.2 CE.L2.3 Week 10 CHW Makeup Labs Rec 7
W Energy icon | Continue CE.L2

Bender icon | Systems and Energy, Collisions
CE.L3.1 CE.L3.2 CE.L3.3      
F Bender icon | Continue CE.L3            

Finals Week  |  Dec. 9th - Dec. 13th

Tuesday, December 11th, 8:00 pm - 9:50 pm

Cumulative, room assignments announced during week 10

Makeup Lab Sessions in Weniger 234: TBD


LA Open Education Resources

Exam Advice from KC