PH202 Summer 2016
Welcome to the Daily Learning Guide. Here I've setup a path to mastery by laying out what you need to do before and after each lecture, to maximize the value of our time in class and keep you on track.
Labeling scheme: "W1.W" stands for week 1 Wednesday class. Likewise, "W3.M" would stand for week 3 Monday class. Pre-lecture assignments are due by 9 am on the date of the class. Post-lecture assignments are due by 11:59 pm on the Sunday of that week. In the case of week 4, the Post-lecture assignments will be due Thursday night.
Assingments and due dates can be found on Masteringphysics and the videos are below.
Note: Videos may take several minutes to download, depending on your connection speed.
Week 1
W1.M - Read the course website located online at
W1.M - Rotational Kinematics
Pre-lecture Reading: Ch. 6.1 - 6.2, 7.1
*optional review: 6.3 - 6.4
Pre-lecture Videos: Watch these videos before doing the pre-lecture assignment, ** denotes supplemental but suggested
Review from last term
Rotational kinematics non-uniform circular motion(15min) **
What should have been discussed in class W1.M
Rotational kinematics variables(12min)
Rotational kinematics equations and plots(4min)
Rotational kinematics - computer disk example(6min).mp4
Rotational kinematics plotting example(5min) **
Rotational kinematics to linear(3min)
Rotational kinematics to linear example - apparent weight(3min) **
Pre-lecture Assignment: W1.M
Post-lecture Assignment: W1.M
W1.M - Rigid body rotational mechanics, torque
Pre-lecture Reading: Ch. 7.2, 7.4, 7.5, 8.1
Pre-lecture Videos: Watch these videos before doing the pre-lecture assignment, ** denotes supplemental but suggested
Rotational dynamics overview 2nd law(8min)
Rotational dynamics equilibrium(2min) **
Rotational dynamics torque, cross product(10min)
Rotational dynamics torque example(6min) **
Pre-lecture Assignment: W1.M
Post-lecture Assignment: W1.M
W1.T - Rigid body rotational mechanics, statics
Pre-lecture Reading: Ch. 7.3 - 7.5, 8.1
Pre-lecture Videos: Watch these videos before doing the pre-lecture assignment, ** denotes supplemental but suggested
Rotational dynamics equilibrium store sign example(17min)
Rotational dynamics equilibrium balance example(18min)**
Rotational dynamics stability walking plank example(10min)**
Rotational dynamics stability meter sticks (4min)**
Pre-lecture Assignment: W1.T
Post-lecture Assignment: W1.T
W1.T - Rigid body rotational mechanics, dynamics
Pre-lecture Reading: Ch. 7.3 - 7.5, 8.2
Pre-lecture Videos: Watch these videos before doing the pre-lecture assignment, ** denotes supplemental but suggested
Rotational dynamics moment of inertia overview(2min)
Rotational dynamics moment of inertia model(5min)
Rotational dynamics measuring moment of inertia example(3min) **
Rotational dynamics masses connected by pulley example(16min) **
Pre-lecture Assignment: W1.T
Post-lecture Assignment: W1.T
W1.W - Rotational kinetic energy and momentum
Pre-lecture Reading: Ch. 9.7, 10.3
Pre-lecture Videos: Watch these videos before doing the pre-lecture assignment, ** denotes supplemental but suggested
Rotational dynamics angular momentum(6min)
Rotational dynamics kinetic energy(7min)
Pre-lecture Assignment: W1.W
Post-lecture Assignment: W1.W
W1.W - Introduction to Thermodynamics
Pre-lecture videos
Thermo microscopic view of states of matter(10min) **
Thermo state variables(2min) **
Thermo state variable pressure(5min) **
Thermo state variable volume(1min) **
Thermo state variable number(1min) **
Thermo kinetic theory of gasses(15min) **
Post-lecture Assignment: W1.W
W1.W - Thermo equilibrium, equations of state
Pre-lecture Reading: Ch. 11.4, 12.2
Pre-lecture Videos: Watch these videos before doing the pre-lecture assignment, ** denotes supplemental but suggested
Thermo equations of state(3min)
Thermo equations of state - non-ideal(2min) **
Thermo equations of state - ideal gas law(5min)
Thermo equations of state - ideal gas law - empirically derived (9min) **
Thermo ideal gas simple example(2min) **
Pre-lecture Assignment: W1.W
Post-lecture Assignment: W1.W
W1.R - 1st law of thermo, energy transfers
Pre-lecture Reading: Ch. 11.1 - 11.5
Pre-lecture Videos: Watch these videos before doing the pre-lecture assignment, ** denotes supplemental but suggested
Thermo: energy revisited(10min) ** (at least watch the second half)
Thermo: work energy transfer(8min) **
Thermo: heat simple example (1min)
Thermo: 1st law_alternative forms(2min) **
Pre-lecture Assignment: W1.R
Post-lecture Assignment: W1.R
W1.R - Specific heat, transformations, calorimetry
Pre-lecture Reading: Ch. 12.5 - 12.6
Pre-lecture Videos: Watch these videos before doing the pre-lecture assignment, ** denotes supplemental but suggested
Thermo heat of transformation (9min)
Thermo heat of transformation plot (3min) **
Pre-lecture Assignment: W1.R
Post-lecture Assignment: W1.R
W1.R - Conduction, convection, and radiation
Pre-lecture Reading: Ch. 12.8
Pre-lecture Videos: Watch these videos before doing the pre-lecture assignment, ** denotes supplemental but suggested
Pre-lecture Assignment: W1.R
Post-lecture Assignment: W1.R
Week 2
W2.M - Heat pumps, entropy
Pre-lecture Reading: Ch. 11.6 - 11.9
Pre-lecture Videos: Watch these videos before doing the pre-lecture assignment, ** denotes supplemental but suggested
Thermo heat engine (7min)
Thermo heat engine efficiency(2min)
Thermo heat engine impossible (2min) **
Thermo heat pump (4min) **
Thermo entropy(6min)
Thermo entropy equilibrium example(8min)
Thermo entropy example dice(11min) **
Thermo entropy non-isolated, micro macro(3min) **
Pre-lecture Assignment: W2.M
Post-lecture Assignment: W2.M
W2.M - Ideal gas processes, PV-diagrams
Pre-lecture Reading: Ch. 12.3, 12.7
Pre-lecture Videos: Watch these videos before doing the pre-lecture assignment, ** denotes supplemental but suggested
Ideal gas processes overview(3min) **
work gas expansion compression(5min) **
ideal gas processes isochoric(3min)
ideal gas processes isobaric(2min)
ideal gas processes isothermal(3min)
ideal gas processes adiabatic(3min)
ideal gas processes work and heat signs (6min)
Pre-lecture Assignment: W2.M
Post-lecture Assignment: W2.M
W2.T - Ideal gas cycles
Pre-lecture Reading: Ch. 12.3, 12.7
Pre-lecture Videos: Watch these videos before doing the pre-lecture assignment, ** denotes supplemental but suggested
Thermo cycles efficiency and work(7min)
Thermo cycles example(25min) ** We'll be going over this example in class so this is more of an archive for later
Pre-lecture Assignment: W2.T
Post-lecture Assignment: W2.T
W2.W - Pressure at a depth, Pascal's principle
Pre-lecture Reading: Ch. 13.1 - 13.3
Pre-lecture Videos: Watch these videos before doing the pre-lecture assignment, ** denotes supplemental but suggested
What is a fluid(4min) **
definitions, pressure, density(2min) **
Atmosphere ... needs density gradient explanation with thermo..... (5min) **
hydrostatic pressure simple example(3min) **
hydrostatic pressure and Pascal(3min)
hydrostatic pressure example two separate fluids(3min) **
Pre-lecture Assignment: W2.W
Post-lecture Assignment: W2.W
W2.W - Hydraulics, buoyancy
Pre-lecture Reading: Ch. 13.4
Pre-lecture Videos: Watch these videos before doing the pre-lecture assignment, ** denotes supplemental but suggested
hydrostatic pressure mechanical advantage(8min)
hydrostatic pressure example mechanical advantage(5min) **
hydrostatic pressure example mechanical advantage lever(6min) **
buoyancy conceptual sink or float(5min)
buoyancy example iceberg(4min) **
buoyancy example logs in a raft(4min) **
Pre-lecture Assignment: W2.W
Post-lecture Assignment: W2.W
W2.R - Continuity, Bernoulli
Pre-lecture Reading: Ch. 13.5 - 13.6 (we will not cover 13.7 and viscosity)
Pre-lecture Videos: Watch these videos before doing the pre-lecture assignment, ** denotes supplemental but suggested
Fluids Dynamics - assumptions(3min) **
Fluids Dynamics - continuity(6min)
Fluids Dynamics - example continuity spray distance(5min) **
Fluids Dynamics - velocity fields(7min) **
Fluids Dynamics - Bernoullis(9min)
Fluids Dynamics - lift and aerofoils(5min) **
Fluids Dynamics - lift and aerofoil example(2min) **
Fluids Dynamics - Bernoullis example venturi tube(5min) **
Fluids Dynamics - Bernoullis to hydrostatic pressure(2min) **
Pre-lecture Assignment: W2.R
Post-lecture Assignment: W2.R
W2.R - Oscillations introduction no out of class engagement activities - just come and take notes in lecture
Week 3
W3.M - Oscillations introduction
Pre-lecture Reading: Ch 14.1 - 14.2
Pre-lecture Videos: Watch these videos before doing the pre-lecture assignment, ** denotes supplemental but suggested
Energy review, wells, forces of springs (22min) **
SHM features (6min) ... mostly what we went over in class on Wednesday
SHM 2nd law and sinusodial (6min)
Pre-lecture Assignment: W3.M
Post-lecture Assignment: W3.M
W3.M - Simple Harmonic Motion
Pre-lecture Reading: Ch 14.3 - 14.4
Pre-lecture Videos: Watch these videos before doing the pre-lecture assignment, ** denotes supplemental but suggested
SHM acceleration function (3min)
SHM summary of relationships (4min) **
SHM equations and variables example (9min) **
Pre-lecture Assignment: W3.M
Post-lecture Assignment: W3.M
W3.T - Pendulums: Simple Harmonic Motion
Pre-lecture Reading: 14.5
Pre-lecture Videos: Watch these videos before doing the pre-lecture assignment, ** denotes supplemental but suggested
(The first 6 videos are about masses and springs and could be considered supplemental post-lectures from W3.M) SHM omega (1min) **
SHM vertical spring(9min) **
SHM vertical spring example(5min) **
SHM equations from obsevation (11min) **
Energy horizontal spring example (4min) **
two horizontal springs example (6min) **
SHM pendulum small angles (17min)
Energy pendulum example (5min) **
Pre-lecture Assignment: W3.T
Post-lecture Assignment: W3.T
W3.T - Damped and driven Osc., intro to traveling waves
Pre-lecture Reading: 14.6 - 14.7, 15.1 - 15.2
Pre-lecture Videos: Watch these videos before doing the pre-lecture assignment, ** denotes supplemental but suggested
Oscillations - damping (12min)
Oscillations - damping example (6min) **
Oscillations - driven oscillator, resonance (1min) **
Waves - wave speed overview(3min) **
Pre-lecture Assignment: W3.T
Post-lecture Assignment: W3.T
W3.W - Wave equations, sound
Pre-lecture Reading: Ch 15.3 - 15.4
Pre-lecture Videos: Watch these videos before doing the pre-lecture assignment, ** denotes supplemental but suggested
Wave pulse plot time and space(5min) **
Waves - snapshots, lambda, equation(8min)
Waves - Wavelength, frequency, omega(2min)
Waves - modes visualization(1min) **
Waves - sound wave model(5min) **
Waves - example: sound wave equation (9min) **
Pre-lecture Assignment: W3.W
Post-lecture Assignment: W3.W
W3.R - Intensity, energy, decibels
Pre-lecture Reading: Ch 15.5 - 15.6
Pre-lecture Videos: Watch these videos before doing the pre-lecture assignment, ** denotes supplemental but suggested
wave pulse down string masses and pulley example(9min) **
Waves - intensity energy example(3min) **
Waves - Log scale review(4min) **
Waves - Change in Decibels(7min) **
Waves - Change in Decibels_changing power(4min) **
Waves - Decibel example stereo watts(3min) **
Waves - Decibel example sirens(7min) **
Waves - Decibel example remove machines(3min) **
Pre-lecture Assignment: W3.R
Post-lecture Assignment: W3.R
Week 4
W4.M – Doppler, buffer to catch up
Pre-lecture Reading: Ch 15.7, 16.1
Pre-lecture Videos: Watch these videos before doing the pre-lecture assignment, ** denotes supplemental but suggested
Traveling waves_Doppler_equations(2min) **
Traveling waves_Doppler_example(7min) **
Superpostion waves - intro(8min)
Superpostion waves - constructive and destructive interference(5min)
Pre-lecture Assignment: W4.M
Post-lecture Assignment: W4.M
W4.T – Superposition, Standing Wave Resonance
Pre-lecture Reading: Ch 16.2 - 16.4
Pre-lecture Videos: Watch these videos before doing the pre-lecture assignment, ** denotes supplemental but suggested
Superposition - Standing waves(15min) **
Superposition - Boundarys, Standing wave resonance(5min) **
Superposition - Standing waves strings, fixed-fixed B.C.(14min)
Superposition - Standing waves, fixed-fixed, example bridge(6min) **
Superposition - Standing waves, fixed-fixed, example gravity(6min) **
Superposition - Standing waves strings, antisymmetric B.C.(9min)
Superposition - Standing waves tubes(7min)
Superposition - Standing wave resonance summary(3min) **
Pre-lecture Assignment: W4.T
Post-lecture Assignment: W4.T
W4.W - Beats, General Two Source Interference
Pre-lecture Reading: Ch 16.6 - 16.7
Pre-lecture Videos: Watch these videos before doing the pre-lecture assignment, ** denotes supplemental but suggested
Superposition - Beat frequency(4min)
Superposition - Beat frequency - example - Doppler(6min)**
Superposition - Two source Interference(12min)
Superposition - Two source Interference - extending to 2D(2min) **
Pre-lecture Assignment: W4.W
Post-lecture Assignment: W4.W
W4.W - General Two Source Interference
Pre-lecture Reading: Ch 16
Pre-lecture Videos: Watch these videos before doing the pre-lecture assignment, ** denotes supplemental but suggested
Superposition - Two source Interference - 2D example - speakers in a field(11min)
Superposition - Two source Interference - example - sound double slit (10min) **
Superposition - Two source Interference - example - sound interferometer (6min) **
Pre-lecture Assignment: None
Post-lecture Assignment: None