Physics 201 | Archive

This is a place for finding downloadable content. There are PDF versions of the class templates, labs, and challenge homework. There is also old exams with solutions along with notes from when this class was taught with traditional lecture.

Previous PH201 Exams

Sample Exams

    Midterm 1, sols

    Midterm 2, sols

    Final exam, sols

    Midterm 1, sols

    Midterm 2, sols

    Final Exam, sols

    Final Exam Practice Questions, sols

Previous PH201 Recitations

Recitation Content

Carter's Recitation Material

Recitation 1         Solution 1

Recitation 2         Solution 2

Recitation 3         Solution 3

Recitation 4         Solution 4

Recitation 5         Solution 5

Recitation 6         Solution 6

Winston's Recitation Material

Recitation 1         Solution 1

Recitation 2         Solution 2

Recitation 3         Solution 3

Recitation 4         Solution 4

Recitation 5         Solution 5

Recitation 6         Solution 6

Pritha's Recitation Material

Recitation1_week 1_Tuesday & Thursday

Recitation2_week 2_Tuesday

Recitation3_week 3_Tuesday

Recitation4_week4_Tuesday & Thursday

Recitation5_week5_Tuesday & Thursday

Recitation6_week6_Tuesday & Thursday

Recitation7_week8_Tuesday & Thursday

Recitation8_week10_Tuesday & Thursday

Dallas' Recitation Material

Recitation 2         Solution 2

Recitation 3         Solution 3

Recitation 4         Solution 4

Recitation 5         Solution 5

Recitation 6         Solution 6

Recitation 7         Solution 7

Recitation 8         Solution 8

Jesse's Recitation Material

Recitation 1         Solution 1

Recitation 2         Solution 2

Recitation 3         Solution 3

Recitation 4         Solution 4

Recitation 5         Solution 5

Recitation 6         Solution 6

Recitation 7         Solution 7     (week 8)

Recitation 8         Solution 8     (week 10)

Notes and Traditional Lectures

Archive Videos

How Not to Suck at Physics | Part 1 | Recipe for Success

How Not to Suck at Physics Part 1: Recipe for Success

How Not to Suck at Physics | Part 2 | Challenge Homework

How Not to Suck at Physics Part 2: Challenge Homework (4 min)

How Not to Suck at Physics | Part 3 | Exam Success

How Not to Suck at Physics Part 3 - Exam Success (4 min)

Exam Advice from KC

Why are We Here - 1st Day Talk (50min)

Why are We Here - 1st Day Talk (50min)

Confessions of a Former Lecturer (50 min)

Confessions of a Former Lecturer (50 min)

Lab PDFs (Deprecated)

Class Templates (deprecated)

Templates of In-Class Cliker Questions:

          Review - [OneNote]

                    General review

Units, conversions, dimensions ( template ;  solutions )

                    Vector operations

Vectors, scalars, vector algebra ( template  ;  complete )

          Kinematics - [OneNote]

                    Average quantities

Position and Displacement (  template ;  complete )

Average Velocity and Average Acceleration (  template  ;  complete )

                    Graphical analysis

Position, Velocity, and Acceleration vs Time (  template  ;  complete )

                    1-D kinematics

1-D Kinematics (  template  ;  complete ) 

1-D Kinematics problem solving (  template  ;  complete )

                    2-D kinematics

2-D  Kinematics (  template  ;  complete )

Projectile Motion (  template  ;  complete )


          Mechanics - [OneNote]

                    Newton's laws (N1)

Forces intro template  ;  complete )

Free body diagrams and Newton's 2nd law (  template  ;  complete  )

Application of Newton's 2nd law (  template  ;  complete )

                    Newton's laws (N2)

friction (  template  ;  complete )

inclined planes (  template  ;  complete )

                    Newton's laws (N3)

coupled systems (  template  ;  complete )

uniform circular motion (UCM) and forces (  template  ;  complete )


          Momentum- [OneNote]

                    Impulse and momentum

impulse and momentum  ( template  ;  complete )

                    Conservation of momentum

1-D conservation of momentum   ( template  ;  complete )

2-D conservation of mometum  ( template  ;  complete )


          Work and Energy - [OneNote]

                    work-energy theorem

work and kinetic energy ( template  ;  complete )

                    conservation of energy

potential energy and conservation of energy ( template  ;  complete )

conservation of energy applications ( template  ;  complete )

systems and energy, collisions ( template  ;  complete )

                    energy analysis

potential energy and forces ( template  ;  complete )



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