Physics 203 | Where can I get help |
Our biggest goal in developing this class was to ensure you never felt like an island. We strive to provide support through a number of avenues that will make reaching everyone easier. Read through all the resources available on the Support page of the syllabus, linked below.
The contact information for the current term's instructional staff can be found on the Syllabus. Check out the link below to see that page.
We have worked hard to find or create the best open (or at least free to you) resources and learning tools. It's important to know what each of these tools is used for and how to use them. To be prepared you must familiarize yourself with these software solutions. Read the Learning Tools page of the syllabus, linked below.
The last resource you should learn about is the BoxSand menu you see on the right-hand-side of every page. Watch the video below to learn about the veritable endless study resources we've collated for you.
Once you have read through the above pages and watched the BoxSand menu video you only have one thing left to do to start the class. Go to the What Do I Do Right Now page linked on the arrow below.
How Do I Succeed | What Do I Do Right Now | |