Primary resources
OpenStax: The section Normal, Tension, and other examples of forces from chapter 8 of the OpenStax textbook has great discussion about inclined plane and how to decompose vectors with a rotated coordinate axis.
Physics Classroom: Inclined planes
Doc Schuster describes techniques for solving inclined plane problems
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This a short video lecture by APlusPhysics on Ramp and Inclines;
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Secondary Resources
In addition to the textbook above be sure to read the EasyPhysics Inclined Plane with Gravity section which describes decomposed forces on an inclined plane a little differently.
Again, openstax is a great resource. Here, they discuss different types of forces
Other Resources
Here is a fairly long MIT Lecture on Inclined Planes and Friction which is worthwhile to watch given any extra study time you may have.
Physics Classroom introduction to inclined planes,
EasyPhysics quick inlcined planes quiz,
Doc Schuster describes techniques for solving inclined plane problems
This a short video lecture by APlusPhysics on Ramp and Inclines;,