M-IMP-1 Two carts moving on a track are shown, along with their masses and velocities.

Consider the system consisting of the two carts. What is the total momentum of the system?

M-IMP-2 Three basketball players are shooting hoops and bouncing each shot off the backboard.

What is the direction of the change in momentum vector, from before the ball hits the backboard to after, for player one's shot. (Ignore gravity)

M-IMP-3 Assuming positive x-direction is to the right, the cart’s change of momentum is

M-IMP-4 Three basketball players are shooting hoops and bouncing each shot off the backboard.

     Sketch the change in momentum vector for player two assuming the speed is the same before and after hitting the backboard. (Ignore gravity)

M-IMP-5 Three basketball players are shooting hoops and bouncing each shot off the backboard.

Sketch the change in momentum vector for player 3 assuming the speed is reduced during the bounce. (Ignore gravity)


M-IMP-6 The diagram depicts two pucks on a frictionless table. Puck II is four times as massive as puck I. Starting from rest, the pucks are pushed across the table by two equal forces. The forces act on both of them for 6.0 s.

     Rank the final momentum of the two pucks.

M-IMP-7 The diagram depicts two pucks on a frictionless table. Puck II is four times as massive as puck I. Starting from rest, the pucks are pushed across the table by two equal forces. The forces are active all the way to the finish line.

Which puck will have the greater momentum upon reaching the finish line?

1. Puck I
2. Puck II
3. Both will have the same.
4. There is not enough
information to decide.


M-IMP-8 A 10 g rubber ball and a 10 g clay ball are thrown at a wall with equal speeds. The rubber ball bounces, the clay ball sticks. Which ball exerts a larger impulse on the wall?

1. They exert equal impulses because they have equal momenta.
2. The clay ball exerts a larger impulse because it sticks.
3. Neither exerts an impulse on the wall because the wall doesn't move.
4. The rubber ball exerts a larger impulse because it bounces.