

  • Animation sharing some fun thermodynamics concepts and their historical development. Youtube Link
  • Physics Tutorial: First law of thermo and why it's central to physics Youtube Link
  • Doc Schuster: 0th and 1st law of thermodynamics Youtube Link**
  • Neat animation and explination of a changing pressure system using the first law of thermo Youtube Link
  • Problem solving using the first law of thermodynamics Youtube Link**
  • 1st Law of Thermodynamics/Internal Energy (Khan Academy) - Youtube Link
  • Short and sweet video explaining the 1st law of thermodynamics - Youtube Link
  • Thermodynamics: Crash Course Physics #23(crash course) - YT Link
  • Thermodynamics: 1st Law - YT Link
  • The first law of thermodynamics -   (Additional lecture material on how to go about solving problems related the first law of thermodynamics) Web Link
  • Thermodynamics (crash course) The link has content about the 1st law of thermodynamics as well as the second and some content on pv diagrams. Web Link
  • Heat: website filled will simple and helpful videos: Web Link
  • "What is the first law of thermodynamics" examples -  YT Link ** Used on Overview page
  • Experiments demostrating the first law of thermodynamics, with explanations -YT Link Used in Demos
  • First Law of Thermodynamics- YT Link
  • History of the First Law of Thermodynamics video- YT Link
  • 1st law of thermodynamics (experiments) YT Link
  • Brief explaination of the First Law of Thermodynamics -


History of the First Law of Thermodynamics - Web Link

**Denotes content is being used on the main pages for this subject.