Student Contributed Content

Formatting Guide

Hey everyone we're trying to keep everything as orderly as possible, which is probably a fool's errand. To stop things from getting too out of hand we ask

  1. Keep content you add to the appropriate section
  2. Arial font size 14
  3. On bullets. Post description of content - link to content.
  4. keep it clean...


Example Problems

Very helpful long video with lots of example problems pertaining to entropy, second law, work, gas law, isothermal, adiabatic, isobaric, and isochoric processes. 

Lecture Material & Videos

Easy to follow video about thermal efficiency and second law of thermodynamics.

-This is a quick review of the concept. Lecture material type of format.

-A quick video that explains the seond law of thermo. well.

Fun Videos


Here is a fun explanation and interactive game that describes what entropy is and how it changes according to phase changes.