Physics 203 | Lab

Labs are performed in WNGR 234. Original work is required as per the course code of conduct. You are required to printout your own lab worksheets prior to coming to lab. The labs can be found in the schedule, located towards the top of this page. Read the lab instructions before coming to lab. Lab worksheets must be completed and checked by your TA by the end of the lab period as passing work. You must attend and pass all labs in order to pass the course. In the event that your work is not to a passing level you will be required to bring the lab worksheet up to a passing level by the end of the term. You may use the makeup session at the end of the term to improve any lab worksheets that were not passed. Your lab grade will constitute 10% of your final grade and will be calculated by your pre-lab scores and the scores received on take-home labs. Pre-lab and take-home questions must be turned in via (details in the required materials section of this syllabus). Pre-labs and take-home labs turned in after the due date will receive a maximum of 50% of the points.

Missed Labs: If you miss a lab, then try to make it up the same day or the next day. You must ask for permission from the lab TA whose class you wish to attend. Realize that we have limited equipment and if the lab is traditionally full the TA will probably turn you away. There will be make-up sessions during the term - you can make up at most two labs during those days. You can attend any section during the make-up lab periods.

Prior Lab Credit: Students that have passed the same PH203 or PH213 (course, not just the lab) at OSU, in the past 2 years, with a D- or better are not required to retake the lab (although it is still suggested). If you would like to use this exemption, then please send me an email with the subject heading “PH203 lab exemption request.” Include the following information in a clear bulleted format: 1) your name and email address, 2) your ID number, 3) course ID (203 / 213) 4) the term and year that you took the lab. I will email you a confirmation by the end of the week.

Lab grade: Students who qualify and choose to opt out of the lab will have the exams weighted more heavily.