Introductory Physics 20x | Learning Tools

Throughout the term we will be using a number of different learning tools software. Here you can learn where and how each tool fits into the curriculum. Each one of them serves a very specific purpose and was chosen based on cost, accessibility, and functionality. We hope you find our mostly free solutions the right tool for job.

General Course Tools


BoxSand icon    BoxSand

    Official course website with access to everything you need including the syllabus, calendar, learning modules, and more. BoxSand also houses all necessary study resources including pre/post lecture videos, textbook, infographics, equation sheets, and more. Everything you will ever need is linked to on the BoxSand Homepage


Canvas-icon    Canvas

    Canvas is used to deliver the pre and post lecture homework and to turn in your challenge homework. All of these are also accessible on the BoxSand homepage. Canvas can also be used to check the gradebook. 


OneNote icon    OneNote

    OneNote is the best solution for note taking and general organization. It is ideal for integrating handwriting from a tablet with digital content such as problem statements and figures. We use it to organize the entire curriculum and you can use the lecture templates to follow along during lecture. Feel free to do your homework on OneNote and print as a PDF to be uploaded to Gradescope. OneNote is part of the Microsoft Office Suite.


Gradescope icon    Gradescope

    Gradescope is a better grading system for handwritten work. Gradescope is integrated with Canvas, but you can also access the site at While you will complete your exams on paper, they will be graded and returned to you using Gradescope/Canvas.


PDF icon    Acrobat Reader

    Adobe Acrobat Reader is the default PDF reader.


Lecture Tools


Polling software icon    Learning Catalytics

    Learning Cataltyics is the best real-time polling tool we can find. It will be used during lecture sessions. An access code can be purchased at the OSU Beaverstore in person or online. To set it up follow the instructions here. Once you've done that you're ready to go. At the beginning of each class a Session ID will be written on the board and you'll enter that to join the session.

If you experience problems accessing LC or any other technical question related to their software, please contact the Pearson support here


OneNote icon    OneNote

    We recommend using a tablet in this class. OneNote is the best organization tool that incorporates hand written work with digital content. You can access the class lecture templates from the Archive and then fill them out during lecture while you follow along.