Dimensional analysis is an extremely powerful tool in checking your answers. Dimensional analysis differs from unit analysis in that while units differ between metric systems, dimensions never change. Any equation with physical meaning will have the same dimensions on either side, therefore along any line of physical reasoning, the dimensions should "check out".

Learning Objectives

Summary: Learning Objectives

Students will be able to…

  1. Identify the dimensions of physical quantities.
  2. Perform dimensional analysis on derived expressions.

BoxSand's Resources


Don't compare apples and oranges! That is, don't add, subtract, or equate objects with different dimensions. But you can (and will!) multiply and divide them.

Dimensions ([D]) are fundamental quantities like time, length, and mass. Dimensions are written with brackets, with time [T], length [L], and mass [M]. Other quantities in the study of the motion can be decomposed into time, length and mass, for example:

$$Speed = \frac{Length}{Time} = \frac{[L]}{[T]}$$

Apples $\neq$ Oranges $\to$ [A] $\neq$ [B]

To Reiterate, DO NOT and quantities with different dimensions!


$$\Delta x = v_{ix} + \frac{1}{2}a_{ix}\Delta t^2$$ (You'll see a lot more of this equation in kinematics. For now, just worry about the dimensions involved.)

$$[L] = \frac{[L]}{[T]}[T] + [?][T]^2$$

So, the dimensions of $[?]$ must be $\frac{[L]}{[T]^2}$ to even out. Overall $\frac{1}{2}a_{ix}\Delta t^2$ has dimensions of $[L]$


Dimensional Analysis (11 min)       

Dimensional Analysis (11 min)

Web Resources


Introduction to dimensional analysis. This one is a little dense, so don't worry too much about the symbols and ignore the final page.



simulations here


Practice Problems

Recommended example practice problems 

Problem Solving Help

Tips and Tricks

Dimensions should always "check out". Dimensions are like the more fundamental versions of units. For example, centimeters and inches are in different unit systems, but they both have dimensions of "length." Likewise, acceleration has units of "meters per second-squared" (m/s^2) but it has dimensions of "length per time-squared" ([L]/[t]^2).