Fall 2020 - Spring 2021 LAs and SI Leaders

A key part of our instructional staff is our Learning Assistants and Supplemental Instructors. These undergrad students help facilitate learning in the classroom as well hold study session. They are the perfect resource when you have a question about how the class works or need help on your physics.


Picture of Alyssa Benedict

Ally Benedict | Senior |  Psychology 

Hi everyone! My name is Ally and I’m a senior studying Psychology and plan on attending medical school after graduating. I’ve always wanted to be a surgeon, but since being a scribe in the ER, I have really come to love emergency medicine. I played volleyball up until my second year of college so health, wellness, and exercise are a huge part of my life. Reading and cooking are some of my favorite things to do. If you have any book or recipe recommendations, send them my way!  PH20X is easily the most time-consuming and challenging class I have taken thus far, but honestly, the most rewarding class to do well on (and finish!). Also, enjoy this pic of my perfect pup, Argo :)

Sarah Gernhart | Junior | Chemistry

Hey my name is Sarah, I am a third year chemistry major with hopes in becoming a professor in physical chemistry. I have a passion for teaching, chemistry and physics! I took PH20x last year and it was very challenging, but also very rewarding as I learned A LOT and met some amazing people! I also miss my dog very much while being at college so here is a picture of me and Cooper <3.

William Freeman |  Senior |  Chemical Engineering

Hello! I am one of the SI leaders for the physics 20x series this year. I’m a senior studying Chemical Engineering here at OSU, with a minor in Mathematics. This spring/summer I completed a 6-month internship for a local chemical plant. I grew up in the small town of Canby Oregon, which is just south of Portland. Some of my favorite hobbies include camping, snowboarding, and hiking. I am also a member of the Men’s Rugby team here at OSU! I’m excited to work with all of you, and I hope to see you at SI tables!

Daisy Chen | Junior | BioResource Research

Hi everyone! My name is Daisy, and I am an Honors third-year student studying BioResource Research with chemistry and sociology minors. I am from Eugene, OR and I really enjoy traveling, hiking, and studying at the Valley Library. PH20X was one of the most challenging courses I took last year, but there are so many interesting topics to learn about. There are so many resources for students, and I am excited to help you guys this year!

Adam Kanno | Junior | Biology

I'm currently a third-year studying biology with a minor in chemistry. I am one of the supplemental instruction leaders and excited to meet more students at my tables. My favorite foods are spam musubi and ramen. In my free time I enjoy hiking and solving puzzles.

Emma Odone | Junior | Biochemistry and Anthropology

My name's Emma and I'm a third year, double majoring in biochemistry and anthropology. I love reading, thrifting, and hanging out with my friends in my free time!

Ashley Francis | Senior | BioHealth Sciences

Hi everyone! My name is Ashley and I am a senior studying BioHealth Sciences with an option in pre-medicine. In the future, I hope to attend medical school and eventually practice family medicine. This is my second year as an LA! I found PH 20X to be challenging but extremely rewarding. The support for students taking the course is amazing, and I am so excited to be able to provide extra support for students again this year.

Gaby Gibbon | Senior | BioHealth Sciences

Hi all! My name is Gaby Gibbon and I'm a senior studying BioHealth Sciences with a concentration in Pre-Optometry. Just this last August, I was accepted to Southern College of Optometry, so I will be headed to Memphis next fall! Physics was a very difficult subject for me at first, but it was by far the most rewarding class for me once I was able to develop a routine and learn how to conquer it! My biggest advice is to actually use your resources on BoxSand and reach out to us LAs, we are totally here to help you succeed! Many of you will have to take some sort of standardized exam if you plan on attending grad school, and physics tends to be a key topic you must master, so invest in yourself now and nail that portion of the test down the road! I also work at Dixon and enjoy walking, scrapbooking, and listening to true crime podcasts!

Sam McDonald | Senior | BioHealth Sciences

Hey everyone! My name is Sam McDonald and I am a fourth year Biohealth sciences major with a pre-medical focus, and Public Health and Chemistry minors. Medical school is my end goal, but after being a member of the TRACE research team I have found my love of public health to continue to grow and am now exploring options in the field for my gap year. I am very passionate about health and wellness and love to incorporate this in my cooking—I even have a food and fitness instagram account just for fun! Physics is challenging, but with proper prep and hard work everyone has the tools to succeed. I’m so excited to take on the year with y’all and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask! See y’all on Zoom and in LAHHH!

Sofia | Senior | Human Development and Family Science

Hi, my name is Sofia. I am a senior and took the physics series last year! I am a Human Development and Family Science major with a minor in Chemistry and am also Pre-Medicine. I am from Portland and am obsessed with Salt and Straw! I am also working with KC and Ryan this year on a research project. I love to go running and hangout with my friends. A fun fact about me is that my house in Corvallis is right across the street from the house my mom grew up in! I am excited to work with you all this year!

Julia | Senior | Kinesiology

Hey everyone! I'm Julia and I'm one of the SI leaders for Physics this year. I'm a senior studying Kinesiology with an option in Pre-Occupational Therapy. I'm from Pleasanton, CA and some things I enjoy are skiing, watching big brother and cooking. I am looking forward to getting to know all of you this year.

Previous LA/SI Groups

Fall 2019 - Spring 2020

Fall 2018 - Spring 2019