UCM in Magnetic Fields: Content
Text Content
- OpenStax | Special page on motion of a charged particle in a magnetic field. Website Link**
- Boundless | Similar to the Openstax section, focuses on the cyclotron example. Website Link**
- Libretexts | Openstax-like content, lots of fun example problems. Website Link**
- U Texas - Farside | Charged particle in a magnetic field. Website Link
- Feynman Lectures | Motion of charged particle in magnetic fields. Website Link
- MSU | Short page summarizing basics of UCM in a magnetic field. Website Link
- Pingry | Reference sheet for UCM in magnetic field. PDF Link
- PSTCC | Text style content with a large set of practice problems. Website Link
- Portland | Lecture slides for UCM, also covers mass spec. PDF Link
- De Anza | Lecture slides for UCM. PDF Link**
Video Content
- Daniel M | Circlar Motion in magnetic field theory. Youtube Link**
- AK Lectures | Circlar Path of Charge in Magnetic Field lecture. Youtube Link
- Crash Course - Physics | Uniform Circular Motion. Not in a magnetic field, but a good refresher. Youtube Link
- Animations For Physics | Motion of electric charges in magnetic field. Could help get a grasp on what's going on. Youtube Link**
- Isaac Physics | Charge in a megnetic field - circular motion. Also touches the Lorentz Force, very short video. Youtube Link
- 7activestudio | Epic voice, motion in a magnetic field, good visuals. Youtube Link**
- Greg Clements | Worked example finding the radius of the circular motion of an electron in a magnetic field. Youtube Link
- MathPhysicsQuestions | Quick theory on UCM in magnetic field, then finding the period and radius. Youtube Link**
- MertiNation | Theory explanation, good visuals. Youtube Link
- PHYSIERGE | Electron gun experiment showing the circular motion of electrons in a magnetic field. Youtube Link**