*Note: To simultaneously adjust to remote learning during the pandemic, and be transparent about how the class normally runs, strike through font is the old policies and bold red font is the pandemic policies.

This is the course calendar and once you're familiar with the class structure, this is the only place you need to go to find study materials and assignments.


The video below introduces you to the features on the calendar.



We have a naming/coding scheme for our curriculum and it's important you understand how to interpret it.

Lectures: We strongly encourage you to attend the live session if you can.

   Live = Real-time group learning guided by the instructor (full credit for participation)

   Async = Asynchronous Canvas quiz if you can't make live session (credit based on correctness)

Learning Cycle Numbers: 1 = Pre-lecture Familiarization, 2 = Foundational Lecture, 3 = Practice Post-lecture, 4 = Mastery Challenge Homework.

Code Legend: [Topic Code].[Lecture Number].[Stage in the Learning Cycle]

   For Example: GR.L1.1 stands for General Review, lecture 1, pre-lecture homework.

Topic Codes:

  • GR = General Review
  • VO = Vector Operations
  • AQ = Average Quantities
  • K1 = One Dimensional Kinematics
  • K2 = Two Dimensional Kinematics
  • N1 = 1st Forces Module
  • N2 = 2nd Forces Module
  • N3 = 3rd Forces Module
  • IM = Impulse and Momentum
  • CM = Conservation of Momentum
  • WE = Work and Energy
  • CE = Conservation of Energy

Reflective Writing: RW 1 stands for the week 1 reflective writing exercise.

Assignment Due Dates

  Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
What is Due?
  • Labs
  • Post-lecture homework
  • Reflective Writings
  • Pre-lecture for Monday
  • Challenge Homework
  • Prel-lecture for W,F
  • Asynchronous lectures (only if you missed class)
Live Help
  • LAHHH 12 - 6 pm
  • LAHHH 4 - 7 pm
  • WormHole 10 am - 8 pm
  • WormHole 10 am - 8 pm
  • LAHHH 4 - 7 pm
  • WormHole 10 am - 6 pm
  • WormHole 10 am - 6 pm
  • WormHole 10 am - 4 pm
  • Weekly Quiz 7 - 7:30 pm


This is quick reference to the assignments in this class, where they are turned in, and their due dates.

Pre-lecture Homework

  • Canvas Quizzing
  • M lecture due Sunday before week
  • W,F lectures due Tuesday


  • Live through Zoom
  • Asynchronous through Canvas Quizzing
  • All due on Friday

Post-lecture Homework

  • Canvas Quizzing
  • Due Sunday

Challenge Homework

  • Handwritten, turn in though Gradescope
  • Due following Tuesday


  • Turned in through Canvas
  • Due Sunday

Reflective Writing

  • Canvas Quizzing
  • Due Sunday

Weekly Quiz

  • Wednesdays @ 7 pm
  • Due Wednesdays @ 7:25 pm

*Note: During the pandemic midterm exams have been replaced with weekly quizes. See the Syllabus for more information.


Live Lectures

There will be three 1 hour lectures on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Attend the section for which you are registered, either at 8 am, 9 am, or 3 pm each day. Participation points will be given for answering Learning Catalytics (LC) questions during each session. You will get points whether you answer correctly or not! You will be put into "breakout groups" where you will work with other students to answer the LC questions.


Day/Time Instructor Monday Wednesday Friday
8 am Evan Thatcher Zoom Session Zoom Session Zoom Session
9 am Evan Thatcher Zoom Session Zoom Session Zoom Session
3 pm KC Walsh Zoom Session Zoom Session Zoom Session

Note: you must log into Zoom through your Oregon State account. The lecture, and lab passwords will be shared via a Canvas announcement to ensure security.

Async  |  If you are unable to attend the live lecture you can gain equivalent points doing the alternative* Async (asynchronous) assignment. These assignments are the same questions worked through in class. At the end of the term we will add the points from the questions answered live with those answered via Async**. We will then take the total number of questions we delivered live via LC and full credit will be set at 85% of that number. If you ever feel like you need more lecture points you can always go answer questions on the Async questions that we didn't work on in class. Async assignments are due each week on Friday at midnight.

  * Due to the time constraint in the live lectures any answer will be accepted. Async questions will have to be answered correctly for credit.  

  ** We will not give double credit for completing an Async assignment if you participate in the corresponding live session. You will receive full credit for attending a live session and answering the questions!

We strongly encourage you to attend the live lecture sessions where we will be working on problem solving. Our research has shown that students who attend the live sessions have on average almost an entire letter grade higher in the class. Participation in these events will result in full credit for the lecture portion of your grade.


Where (and When!) to Get Help


The Slack channels are open all day every day!

Common channels are #ph202_winter2021, #virtual_wormhole, #general, and #random. You can add each channel by clicking on the "+" next to the "Channels" and selecting "Browse Channels". Type the channel name into the search box and hit enter. Select the channel and you will be added!



Day Hours Location
Sunday noon - 6 pm #ph202_winter2021
Monday 4 pm - 7 pm #ph202_winter2021
Wednesday 4 pm - 7 pm #ph202_winter2021

*To join this channel, click on the "+" sign next to the "Channels", click on "browse channels", then type ph201_fall2020 into the search box and hit enter, select the channel and you'll be added!


Virtual Wormhole

Day Hours Location
Monday 10 am - 7 pm #virtual_wormhole
Tuesday 10 am - 7 pm #virtual_wormhole
Wednesday 10 am - 6 pm #virtual_wormhole
Thursday 10 am - 6 pm #virtual_wormhole
Friday 10 am - 7 pm #virtual_wormhole

To join this channel, click on the "+" sign next to the "Channels", click on "browse channels", then type virtual_wormhole into the search box and hit enter, select the channel and you'll be added!


Instructor Office Hours

Instructor Days Hours Location
Evan Thatcher TBD TBD TBD
KC Walsh I'm on Slack most days Send me a direct message (DM) on Slack Slack DM

*To join this channel, click on the "+" sign next to the "Channels", click on "browse channels", then type ph202_winter2021 into the search box and hit enter, select the channel and you'll be added!

You can also send a private message to an instructor on Slack if you have a question about a personal matter.



AsyncSync Study Bulletin Board


This is a place for students to find other students wanting to study outside of the already provided study groups and class activities. This is not intended as a replacement for existing study pods, but rather a supplemental resource for those seeking extra interactions. Traditionally this has been achieved through bulletin boards at the library and other study centers. Our goals in creating this system for connecting students are the following:

  • It must be voluntary and considered supplemental
  • It must require no additional management from the instructional staff (I'm sorry we already have so much structure to manage in this sequence, including formal group systems in place)
  • It must be user friendly so it's easy to access and post your interests
  • It must be organic and allow for students to come and go as they please
  • It should leverage already existing structure (Slack in this case)

We've setup a when2meet running weekly calendar. You can login and put down the hours for which you're interested in finding study partners. You can also see who has put down their interest at the times you are able to study. You can then contact them through a direct message group in Slack and finalize plans to meet. Then you all meet in a Slack DM group at the agreed time and start a Zoom session (you can do this by typing /zoom and hitting enter (twice) in any Slack channel or DM).

How to Engage

Please follow the steps below to ensure this system operates effeciently.

    Step 1Click Here to go to the OSU PH20x Study Bulletin Board.

    Step 2:  Under Sign In, put your ONID username as your name (this is the part of your OSU email address before .oregonstate.edu). Use a unique but rememberable password.

When2meet sign in

    Step 3:  Highlight all the times you are available and interested in studying with others. The first person to highlight a time is the point of contact for that time.

when2meet availability calendar

    Step 4:  After submitting your available you can check who else is available at times you can meet. Hover your mouse over the time of interest and it will show you who is available at that time. Send a direct message in Slack to the first person on that list, as they are contact person for that time.

when2meet connecting who is available

    Step 5:  In the direct message finalize plans to meet and study. Then use the direct message group as a place to meet. You can start a Zoom session on the fly from within the direct message group chat (or in any channel) by typing /zoom and hitting enter (twice). That will create a Join button that everyone can click on.

    Step 6:  Presumably there will be more than two people wanting to work together at a given time. If you send a direct message to the first person on the list, they will add you to the group direct message group. Then the group can grow.

    Step 7:  If you no longer want to engage with the Study Bulletin Board, you must log into it and remove the times you are available. You can also remove yourself from direct message group.

If the groups get too large, or there are other issues that arise, please contact your favorite LA or KC Walsh in Slack or email (walshke@oregonstate.edu).

Calendar by Week

Lecture Announcements Archive

Week 1  |  Jan. 4th - Jan. 8th

Day Lecture Topic and Study Resources Pre-lecture Homework Lecture Template Async Lecture Post-lecture Homework Challenge Homework Refl. Write Lab
Su Introduction Tutorial Quiz  <= must be completed first            
M Rotation icon | Angular Position, Velocity, and Acceleration for non-UCM RK.L1.1 RK.L1.2 | sols Async RK.L1.3 RK.L1.4 | sols   Lab 1
W Rolling icon | Connecting Rotational and Translational Kinematics RK.L2.1 RK.L2.2 | sols Async RK.L2.3 RK.L2.4 | sols    
W No Quiz Week 1              
F Torque icon | Torque and Newton's 2nd Law for Rotation SD.L1.1 SD.L1.2 | sols Async SD.L1.3 SD.L1.4 | sols RW 1  

Week 2  |  Jan. 11th - Jan. 15th

Day Lecture Topic and Study Resources Pre-lecture Homework Lecture Template Async Lecture Post-lecture Homework Challenge Homework Refl. Write Lab
M Balance icon | Static Equilibrium and Stability SD.L2.1 SD.L2.2 | sols Async SD.L2.3 SD.L2.4 | sols   Lab 2
W Dynamics icon | Dynamics and Moment of Intertia SD.L3.1 SD.L3.2 | sols Async SD.L3.3 SD.L3.4 | sols    
W Week 2 Quiz | sols              
F Spinning icon | Angular Momentum and Rotational Energy RC.L1.1 RC.L1.2 | sols Async RC.L1.3 RC.L1.4 | sols RW 2  

Week 3  |  Jan. 18th - Jan. 22nd

Day Lecture Topic and Study Resources Pre-lecture Homework Lecture Template Async Lecture Post-lecture Homework Challenge Homework Refl. Write Lab
M Martin Luther King Day   No Class         Lab 3
W Week 3 Quiz  |  sols              
W States icon | Micro view of matter, kinetic theory of gasses MG.L1.1 MG.L1.2 | sols Async MG.L1.3 MG.L1.4 | sols    
F Gas icon | State variables and equations of state, ideal gas MG.L2.1 MG.L2.2 | sols Async MG.L2.3 MG.L2.4 | sols RW 3  

Week 4  |  Jan. 25th - Jan. 29th

Day Lecture Topic and Study Resources Pre-lecture Homework Lecture Template Async Lecture Post-lecture Homework Challenge Homework Refl. Write Lab
M Bunson icon | 1st law of thermo, Energy transfers 1H.L1.1 1H.L1.2 | sols Async 1H.L1.3 1H.L1.4 | sols   No lab 4
W Melting icon | Specific heat, Phase transformations, calorimetry 1H.L2.1 1H.L2.2 | sols Async 1H.L2.3 1H.L2.4 | sols    
W Week 4 Quiz | sols              
F Campfire icon | Conduction, Convection, Radiation 1H.L3.1 1H.L3.2 | sols Async 1H.L3.3 1H.L3.4 | sols RW 4  

Week 5  |  Feb. 1st - Feb. 5th

Day Lecture Topic and Study Resources Pre-lecture Homework Lecture Template Async Lecture Post-lecture Homework Challenge Homework Refl. Write Lab
M Dice icon | Entropy, 2nd law 2E.L1.1 2E.L1.2 | sols Async 2E.L1.3 2E.L1.4 | sols   Lab 5
M Steam icon | Heat Engines PC.L1.1 PC.L1.2 | sols Async PC.L1.3 PC.L1.4 | sols    
W PV diagram icon | PV diagrams, Processes PC.L2.1 PC.L2.2 | sols Async PC.L2.3 PC.L2.4 | sols    
W Week 5 Quiz | sols              
F Cycle icon | Cycles and efficiency PC.L3.1 PC.L3.2 | sols Async PC.L3.3 PC.L3.4 | sols RW 5  

Week 6  |  Feb. 8th - Feb. 12th

Day Lecture Topic and Study Resources Pre-lecture Homework Lecture Template Async Lecture Post-lecture Homework Challenge Homework Refl. Write Lab
M Scuba icon | Pressure at a depth, Pascal’s principle FS.L1.1 FS.L1.2 | sols Async FS.L1.3 FS.L1.4 | sols   Lab 6
W Floating icon | Hydraulics, buoyancy FS.L2.1 FS.L2.2 | sols Async FS.L2.3 FS.L2.4 | sols    
W Week 6 Quiz | sols              
F Bernoulli icon | Continuity, Bernoulli FD.L1.1 FD.L1.2 | sols Async     RW 6  

Week 7  |  Feb. 15th - Feb. 19th

Day Lecture Topic and Study Resources Pre-lecture Homework Lecture Template Async Lecture Post-lecture Homework Challenge Homework Refl. Write Lab
M Car turning icon | Continue FD.L1.2       FD.L1.3 FD.L1.4 | sols   Lab 7
W Week 7 Quiz | sols              
W Spring icon | General Oscillations, Simple Harmonic Motion, Equations of Motion OS.L1.1 OS.L1.2 | sols Async OS.L1.3 OS.L1.4 | sols    
F Spring icon | Continue OS.L1.2           RW 7  

Week 8  |  Feb. 22nd - Feb. 26th

Day Lecture Topic and Study Resources Pre-lecture Homework Lecture Template Async Lecture Post-lecture Homework Challenge Homework Refl. Write Lab
M Pendulum icon | SHM Case Studies: Pendulums and Springs OS.L2.1 OS.L2.2 | sols Async OS.L2.3 OS.L2.4 | sols   Lab 8
W Pendulum icon | Continue OS.L2.2

Swing icon | Damped Oscillations, Driven Oscillations and Resonance
OS.L3.1 OS.L3.2 | sols Async OS.L3.3 OS.L3.4 | sols    
W Week 8 Quiz | sols              
F Swing icon | Continue OS.L3.2           RW 8  

Week 9  |  Mar. 1st - Mar. 5th

Day Lecture Topic and Study Resources Pre-lecture Homework Lecture Template Async Lecture Post-lecture Homework Challenge Homework Refl. Write Lab
M Wave icon | Wavelength, Frequency, Speed, Equations of Motion TW.L1.1 TW.L1.2 | sols Async TW.L1.3 TW.L1.4 | sols   None
W Wave icon | Continue TW.L1.2

Rope wave icon | Sound, Light, Waves on a String
TW.L2.1 TW.L2.2 | sols Async TW.L2.3 TW.L2.4 | sols    
W Week 9 Quiz | sols              
F Rope wave icon | Continue TW.L2.2           RW 9  

Week 10  |  Mar. 8th - Mar. 12th

Day Lecture Topic and Study Resources Pre-lecture Homework Lecture Template Async Lecture Post-lecture Homework Challenge Homework Refl. Write Lab
M Decibels icon | Energy and Intensity, Sound Intensity Level: Decibels TW.L3.1 TW.L3.2 | sols Async TW.L3.3 TW.L3.4 | sols   None
W Projectile icon | Doppler TW.L4.1 TW.L4.2 | sols Async TW.L4.3 TW.L4.4 | sols    
W Week 10 Quiz | sols              
F Resonance icon | Standing Wave Resonance in Tubes and on Strings SW.L1.1 SW.L1.2 | sols Async SW.L1.3 SW.L1.4 | sols RW 10  

Finals Week | Mar. 15th - 19th

Day Event Duration Date Time Subjects Covered
Opens Thursday, 48 hour window to start Final Exam 110 minutes March 18th 7:30 AM, PST Cumulative


LA Open Education Resources

Exam Advice from KC
